Recipient: Palacky University Olomouc
Masaryk University
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
Institute of Molecular Geneticsof the Czech Academy of Sciences
The main mission of the National infrastructure of chemical biology (CZ-OPENSCREEN) is the screening of biological activities of compounds and the identification of tools, probes and methods to be used in the basic research of cellular processes, mechanisms of disease genesis and pathophysiological cellular pathway intervention. The project "Upgrade of the National Infrastructure for Chemical Biology” aims at upgrading the technological equipment and strengthening of the advancement of basic and applied research and development in the field of chemical biology and genetics within the National Infrastructure for Chemical Biology (CZ-OPENSCREEN). The project’s implementation will clearly contribute to a further increase in the international quality of research and its results within the infrastructure, while increasing competitiveness not only at the level of Czech science, but also of the Czech Republic itself.