Application of proteomics, immunohistochemistry and new experimental approaches for amyloid typization
Amyloidosis is a group of diseases resulting from misfolded protein deposits. Despite better diagnostics and therapy and also covering up in research activities in last decades, examination of patients with suspected disease is not yet straight-forward process. Apart from clinical check-up, a biopsy with proof of deposits is crucial. The subsequent correct amyloid typing is obligate due to disease-bound different attitude to patients and is mainly aimed to antigen-antibody based methods. To avoid frequent non-specific immuno-protein detection, the new methodology based on mass spectrometry seems to be highly specific and sensitive with direct protein recognition in a small amount of tissue. Therefore and in the frame of the proposed project we have decided to improve amyloidosis diagnostics opportunities, to identify new potential proteomic biomarkers and specific fluorescent labels. To facilitate mutual collaboration for the patient benefit and maximise number of analysed samples we have established consortium where four Czech University hospital centres are involved.