National institute for cancer research
The main goal of our project is to establish the National Institute for Cancer Research (NICR) as a distributed infrastructure covering and coordinating research activities in the given field in the Czech Republic, and in this way straighten the current state up to that common in most developed countries. NICR will primarily be built as a network of major academic oncology institutions tied up by a consortial contract in cooperation with top clinical centres as non-funded partners, with possible future transformation to an independent legal entity. A further goal of NICR is to formulate the strategic development of cancer research in the Czech Republic as a whole, increase its scientific potential and efficiency of the development and utilisation of the knowledge, technology and model background, with offering a strong and objective expert background for decision-making processes of healthcare organisations at the level of the state administration. Individual goals of the program EXCELES are implemented with related project activities to address the overall program objectives and important strategic R&D documents of the Czech Republic.