News archive
Researchers will study the DNA of the father of genetics Gregor Johann Mendel
Augustinians agreed to exhume the remains of Gregor Johann Mendel and scientists will now examine his DNA
Noc vědců 2021 na ÚMTM proběhla úspěšně [CZ]
Zájem o naše laboratoře byl veliký a návštěvníci se mohli dozvědět jak probíhá běžný provoz při testování viru SARS-CoV-2
New research methods for an early detection of lung cancer
Clinical study supported by Cancer Research Foundation CR is about to lunch.
Noc vědců 2021 na ÚMTM [CZ]
Zajímá vás, jak probíhá testování na Covid-19 v jedné z největších laboratoří v České republice?
OL4PERMED: Abstract Submission is NOW OPEN!
OL4PERMED Olomouc for Personalized Medicine conference is an interdisciplinary platform to exchange and disseminate knowledge.
PhD Club announces the winners of this season
Winners of the best science popularization article focused on cancer research
Marián Hajdúch received an award for contribution in science and research
Olomouc City Awards for achievments in 2020