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EATRIS Annual Meeting 2020

The EATRIS Annual Meeting event will take place on February 11-12, 2020, and will be hosted by the EATRIS-Portugal National Node at INFARMED in Lisbon.

During these two days, we will exchange best practices and further define together the role that EATRIS will play in the development of Personalised Medicine. We will also discuss how to fully exploit the capacities of the Infrastructure to serve the needs of the patient community and how to develop technologies that will support the implementation of patient-targeted interventions. The deadline for event registration is January 31.
You can register by following this link.

Help us shape our event by describing in one sentence the most relevant areas of Personalised Medicine’s development in which EATRIS can play a significant role (challenges, opportunities, collaborations, etc.). Submit your answer here, it will take only one minute.

The event will be followed by our public-private collaboration best practices workshop on February 13 and 14. You can view the agenda of this workshop here and register by clicking here. Like in our previous edition, presentations for the plenary sessions will be selected from submitted abstracts and a networking session will be organised with poster presentations. The deadline for abstract submission has passed. For any question, please contact With regards to accommodation, we have reserved a block of rooms at the VIP Grand Lisboa Hotel & Spa at a discounted rate starting from 89€ per night. You can reserve your room by filling in this form (subject to availability). A shuttle will be organised between the meeting venue and the hotel.



Tuesday, February 11 

– 10.00 – 12.00  Pre-event session: Introduction to EATRIS for new members

– 12.00 – 12.45  Registration lunch

– 12.45 – 13.00  Welcome by Claudia Maria Coelho de Faria, National Director of EATRIS Portugal, and Rui Santos Ivo, Governor of EATRIS Portugal.

– 13.00 – 16.45  Session 1: Role of science and technology for the development of Personalised Medicine

13.00 – 13.45 Mathias Uhlén, Professor at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden and Director of the Human Protein Atlas Program
13.45 – 14.25 Toni Andreu, Scientific Director at  EATRIS C&S: Present and future of Personalised Medicine – EATRIS Plus and other infrastructure projects as a tool to enable its development.
14.25 – 14.45 Coffee break
14.45 – 16.45 Framework café: Role of sciences and technology for the development of Personalised Medicine 

– 16.45 – 17.45  Poster session & network drinks

– 18.00  Shuttle bus to VIP Grand Lisboa Hotel

– 19.15  Shuttle bus from VIP Grand Lisboa Hotel to Restaurant


Wednesday, February 12

– 8.30 – 09.00  Shuttle bus from VIP Grand Lisboa Hotel & Spa to Infarmed

– 9.00 – 12.30  Session 2: Tools to enable Personalised Medicine development

9.00 – 9.30 Ivo Gut, Group Leader of the Biomedical Genomics Group at the Center for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain – Good Genomic Practice for Personalized Medicine
9.30 – 9.55 Carlota Dobano, Head of the Malaria Immunology Group at ISGlobal, Spain – A personalized medicine approach for malaria vaccines
9.55 – 10.20 Serena Scollen, Head of Human Genomics and Translational Data at ELIXIR, United Kingdom – Unleashing the potential of human genomics
10.20 – 10.40 Cécile Spiertz, Senior Director, Head External Innovation, Clinical Trial Platforms at Janssen Pharmaceutical
10.40 – 11.10 Coffee break
11.10 – 12.30 Four Speakers selected from abstracts

– 12.30 – 13.15  Panel session: the translational gap in Personalised Medicine – multi-modal approaches from myth to reality.

– 13.15 – 14.15  Best poster award and lunch

– 14.15 – 17.15  Session 3: EATRIS support to academia and future funding opportunities

14.15 – 14.35 Pilar Aguar, Head of unit “Health Innovations” at European Commission Future funding opportunities for translational scientists (tentatively accepted)
14.35 – 14.55 Patricia Calado, National Contact Point for Horizon 2020 – Health and IMI
14.55 – 15.10 Giles Dudley, Senior Business Developer, BioInnovation Institute, Denmark
15.10 – 15.30 Coffee Break
15.30 – 16.40 Three use cases of EATRIS support to researchers
16.40 – 17.00 Overview of EATRIS academic services

– 17.15 – 17.30  Meeting closure

This event is restricted to EATRIS internal institutions.

Would you like to know the experiences of our participants during our previous Annual Meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia? Click here to see the results of the survey.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Lisbon!