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Epigenetic age of blood or sperm trace donor
Project acronym: VI20202022123
Project title: Epigenetic age of blood or sperm trace donor
Project registration number: VI20202022123
State funding provider: Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic
Programme: VI - Security Research of the Czech Republic 2015-2022 (2015 - 2022)
Start date: 2020-01-01
End date: 2022-12-31
Principal investigator: Drábek Jiří Ph.D.
The main objective of the project is the experimental development of the methodology for determining the age of the perpetrator from a biological trace (blood or sperm) by means of an epigenetic (methylation) DNA analysis. This goal would extend the amount of information from the most common DNA traces that can be used to investigate serious crimes. It refers to the situations, when there is no suspect or no match to the suspect or to the profile in IS CODIS DNA database.