Bank of Clinical Specimens (BBMRI-CZ)
a part of BBMRI ERIC
Background description
Using standardized procedures BBMRI-CZ collects, processes and stores human-derived biospecimens (such as primary tumor tissues and other relevant specimens) that would be otherwise irreversibly lost. Such biospecimens are of critical importance for either existing or future research projects and for patient benefit as well. In the Czech Republic, BBMRI-CZ organizes not only a dedicated set of cancer-oriented biorepositories but also operates a unique set of technologies and knowledge to perform clinical applications of translational research including clinical trials. The user community may take advantage of the expertise of the BBMRI-CZ qualified staff and resources archived in biorepositories.
BBMRI-CZ represents a Czech national node of the pan-European research infrastructure BBMRI (Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure) and has been a Member State of the BBMRI ERIC since 2013.
Hosting institution:
Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute
Partner institutions:
First Medical Faculty, Charles University in Prague
Medical Faculty, Charles University in Hradec Kralove
Medical Faculty, Charles University in Pilsen
Medical Faculty, Palacky University in Olomouc
For more information, please visit www.bbmri.cz or the website BBMRI ERIC at www.bbmri-eric.eu