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Keynote talks: Jonathan S. Duke-Cohan on T cell immunotherapies: Some molecular insights from the basic science perspective

We're thrilled to announce that Prof. Jonathan S. Duke-Cohan, Ph.D. from the Department of Medical Oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, USA, will be a keynote speaker at the Czech Annual Cancer Research Meeting this November in Olomouc! 

Dr. Duke-Cohan graduated from Queen Elizabeth College London in the UK and received his PhD from the Institute of Cancer Research (Chester Beatty Laboratories) of the University of London. Following postdoctoral work at the Ontario Cancer Institute in Toronto, he undertook a further postdoctoral then junior faculty position at the Lautenberg Center for Immunology and Cancer Research at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel. He joined the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in 1989 to work in Prof. Stuart Schlossman’s Department until 2001. After completing a Barr Award in 2003, he joined the Laboratory of Immunobiology (Prof. Ellis Reinherz). 


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Czech Annual Cancer Research Meeting creates an interdisciplinary platform to exchange and disseminate knowledge. Meet your colleagues and collaborate with Czech and international experts involved in research and diagnostics.

November 18–20, 2024

Hotel NH Collection Olomouc Congress
Legionarska 21
Olomouc 779 00, Czech Republic