The National Center for Medical Genomic
Medical genomics is a dynamically developing scientific discipline that is based on obtaining and analyzing genetic information of individuals, families and populations in order to understand the genetic, genomic and molecular bases of human health and disease. Rapid methodological development, together with the instrumental, intellectual and financial demands of genomics, logically leads to the establishment of highly specialized national centers, in which costly and user-intensive devices, adequate computer facilities and relevant highly qualified specialists are concentrated. Only such an arrangement can ensure economically meaningful technological development, competent instrument operation, expert analysis and data storage, rational planning of experiments and continuous methodological and application development of this field in the Czech Republic. The specific objectives of the NCMG for the period 2020-2022 are: 1. To ensure the availability, qualified use and sustainable development of basic instrumental, methodological, experimental and bioinformatics tools of medical genomics in the Czech Republic. 2. To concentrate and educate experts for individual methodological procedures of medical genomics. 3. To make available the developed capacities and provide expertise to the widest possible spectrum of scientific teams and medical and biomedical disciplines and scientific teams from the Czech Republic and abroad. 4. To increase the quality and availability of DNA diagnostics for a wide range of medical disciplines. 5. To ensure, in accordance with current standards and norms,a system of qualified sharing, interpretation, provision and storage of genomic data of individuals. 6. To ensure a coordinated follow-up to foreign initiatives in the field of quality of diagnostic services; to link to international scientific associations and societies.